Say "Bye-Bye" to bloating this Diwali.


Food, or rather sweets, is a necessary part of Indian celebrations since everyone wants to indulge. Festivals in India are all about fun, food, and family. We anxiously anticipate the time we get to spend with our loved ones, create special holiday goodies, eat out together, stay up late, and snack and drink more than normal - and often end up overeating and not exercising. 

Despite being a lot of fun, it is hard on our bodies. As we tend to overindulge in sweets and food, but we forget about the after-effects of that overindulgence. We describe such indulgence-related side effects as "bloating" in layman's terms. But first, let's discuss bloating.

What is bloating?

Abdominal bloating is a common symptom that refers to a sensation of fullness, heaviness, and discomfort in the belly. It is often accompanied by feelings of gassiness, sluggishness, and fatigue. Bloating can be a one-off post-feast inconvenience or an ongoing source of irritation.

Is recurring bloating a problem for you? If so, maybe it’s time to check in with your physician or healthcare provider.

What Causes Bloating After a Festival?

To begin with, holidays are the ideal opportunity to overindulge, and after indulging in fried dishes, 'farsaan,' and sweets while not exercising, we usually finish up with a bloated physique.

This occurs when there is a buildup of fluids or gases within the body, and a variety of lifestyle factors can contribute to this. Eating the wrong foods in the wrong combinations, eating too much, not chewing well, not cooking foods properly, compromised digestion, sedentary lifestyle, lack of sleep, drinking too little water, overdosing on alcohol, or eating foods high in salt and preservatives can all contribute to puffiness.

But this Diwali do not let the fear of bloating come your way. 

Find out how to avoid facing bloating but enjoying the festival of lights with your loved ones.

1. Consume frequent meals all day long

You may believe that skipping a meal would cause your tummy to flatten🙊. Irregular eating can lead to gas buildup, which causes your stomach to become bloated. Eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner keeps the stomach moving - a process known as peristalsis - and ensures that food is processed properly. Putting anything in your stomach stimulates that activity, kicking your system into high gear.

If you have a long period between meals, make sure you consume a snack. To get energy and fibre, try a piece of fruit, low-fat yoghurt, veggie sticks, or a glass of fresh vegetable juice.

Remember skipping meal is just going to make you feel more hungry or should I say HANGRY!! Ultimately you'd end up eating more than you would want to and without chewing it well... so there comes your "BLOATED TUMMY"

2. Modify your salty foods

Chaklis, pakora, namkeen, samosas, and other dishes. They're crisp, flavorful, and never fill you up. All of this extra salt in your body produces water retention, making you feel bloated and gassy. There is no need to fully avoid these foods, but they should be consumed in moderation.

3. Watch your portion size

Large quantities can cause indigestion and bloating. It puts a lot of strain on the digestive system and generates a lot of gas. Do not eat all your favourite food items together. Take them one at a time, as it will help prevent over-indulgence.

Quick tip: Choose a smaller plate that will help you watch out for your portions well.

4. Lie in Supta badha konasana for 2-5 mins in evening. 

This is also known as the Reclining Bound Angle Pose. This asana stimulates the abdominal organs, and heart and improves overall circulation. It also stretches the inner thighs, groin, and knees.

5. Increase your water consumption.

Always have plenty of water on hand. Lack of water causes your body to retain water and bloat. So, drink lots of the magic liquid to flush out all toxins and say goodbye to bloating. You may also drink coconut water, which is high in minerals and aids in the removal of pollutants.

6. Eat mindfully and fight festival bloating

Take small bites, and chew slowly. Not chewing your food properly also means that it stays longer in your gut, fermenting in your intestines and causing indigestion and bloating. Do not eat in a hurry.

7. Choose natural and unprocessed meals to avoid festival bloating

No sugar, no refined flour, no store-bought baked goods, and definitely no fizzy beverages. During this time, avoid ready-made masalas and all other packaged meals. Instead, take out time and cook your meals which are natural, whole grain, whole foods.

8. Drink in moderation!

Sorry to be a party pooper, but if you suffer from bloating, chances are your drinking habits aren't helping the situation.

While it would be unjust to urge you to quit drinking entirely, decreasing your alcohol usage may be a more pleasant strategy to avoid such gastrointestinal difficulties.

Alcohol and its derivatives are inflammatory chemicals in the sense that they create inflammation in the body when taken. Sugary chasers simply serve to worsen these issues.

Just if you still feel bloated, do not miss out on the tips given below!!!

  • Sip some "Jeera-Ajwain-Saunf" Water post every meal.
  • Include probiotics like curd/ buttermilk/ kimchi in your main meals.
  • Get enough sleep to rejuvenate your body mentally and physically.

While Diwali is arguably the most popular event in India, it should not be used as an excuse to overeat without moderation. 

If, despite following the above advice, you are still unable to deal with your health challenges, put your trust in our Nutritionist Shreya Salian. Our knowledgeable nutritionist will address all of your health concerns as soon as possible. 

With that, FITBITE wishes you a Happy Diwali and reminds you to enjoy carefully for the benefit of you and your family's health.

Nutritionist Shreya Salian

Shreya is a Clinical Nutritionist & the founder of FitBite; which is focused on Nutrition, Dietetics, and Fitness. She has completed Master's in Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics; Bachelor’s in Nutrition and Dietetics and a Diploma in Physical Fitness and Weight Management. 

She has been practicing for more than 3 years. A strong believer in ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. 

She can be reached on her Instagram Page @_fitbite_ and on the Facebook page FitBitebyShreyaSalian.


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